Tuesday, March 08, 2005

How would you vote in the Los Angeles Mayor's Race?

Hey Tin Canners:

I confess, I've been bad. I haven't been paying much attention to the LA Mayor's race. So this morning when I went to vote, I put the black dot via the Ink-a-vote device on the basis of the one interview I heard on the radio.

Of course, I've seen the TV ads as the last few weeks you couldn't turn on a TV without seeing them.

If I picked based on TV ads, I would have voted for Bob Hertzberg. Check out his ads as they are pretty good.

If I picked based on who left messages on my answering machine, I would vote for Hertzberg. Although, I probably got as many phone messages saying, don't vote for Hertzberg. Of course, those messages didn't say who paid for the calls nor suggested who I should vote for!

If I picked based on the mailers I got, it would be a close choice between James Hahn and Bernard Parks as both candidates got a couple of full color big post-card type things to me.

Oddly enough, the candidate who is leading in the polls, Antonio Villaraigosa didn't auto call my answering machine or send me a post-card.

In the effort, to be "fair and balanced" the fifth candidate believed by the mainstream media to be a "viable" candidate is Richard Alarcon.

One blogger covering the race is LA Observed.

Last night as I was drifiting off to sleep, KABC-7 TV claimed Villaraigosa had a big lead. However, LA Observed thinks that poll might be flawed. The LA Times poll cited by LAO has it as a three-way race.

We shall see. I'll blog back more as events warrent. We return you now to your regularly scheduled life...


P.S. I opted for a protest vote and didn't ink-a-vote a top-five candidate.

UPDATE: Its about 9 pm here in LA, KCAL-9 TV reports that some of the absentee ballots have been counted with Hahn getting 30% and Hertzberg with 26%. The reporter said these two campaigns ran agressive absentee ballot efforts while Villaraigosa didn't.

UPDATE: KCAL-9 says Villaraigosa did get 23% of the absentee ballots.

UPDATE: It is 11pm and in typical LA city inefficiency, ballot counting has been "slow" and so it appears to be a long night ahead. KABC-7 is reporting 29-25-25 with Hahn ahead of Villaraigosa and Hertzberg. I'm calling it a night.

UPDATE: Its Wednesday morning and the news reports say that Villaraigosa took first place with 33%, Hahn with 24% and Hertzberg at 22%. They estimate about 24,000 remain to be counted. It is theoretically possible that Hertzberg could overcome Hahn's slight edge and thus advance to the general election; however, it is unlikely. It appears a rematch of the 2001 Hahn-Villaraigosa race is ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labor leaders are making excuses for Mayor Jim Hahn's marginal support from union members on Tuesday. Union leadership blames Los Angeles' rank and file membership's devotion to Antonio Villaraigosa....

12:05 PM  

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