Thursday, October 21, 2004

Rooting for the underdogs!

Hello Kari:

Good to speak with you offline the other day and to fill you in on what has been happening with me on the health front. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement.

It is good to be online today for the first time in a long time.

I have been following the ALCS and NLCS from... the hospital bed. I may blog at greater length for my own psychological benefit and to provide readers accidental and otherwise my personal experiences with an emergency surgery and subsequent hospitalization.

In brief, last Wednesday the 13th, I went into the ER at 1 AM with stomach pains and by 1 PM I was in the OR having an intestinal obstruction corrected. I remained hospitalized until last Tuesday.

During my time in 8 South, I did catch some of the ALCS and NLCS games on the TV. I found myself rooting for the Astros and Red Sox. I didn't have a whole lot of energy but when the teams I was rooting for did something good, I found my left arm rising in a fist pump and murmuring a quiet, yes! It was after all a little hard to say much with a nasal-gastric tube in me but anyone seeing me would know I was perked up by the activities of grown men playing a kid's game.

In any case, it will be interesting to see if the Sox can finally put down "the Curse" and pick up the MLB championship rings. And tonight, I look forward to game 7 of the Astros and Cardinals.

Rooting for the underdogs!

And dear readers please root for this underdog as I am on the slow road to recovery. I may do some medical blogging to share the experience.

Take care and be well,


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